Heat-to-Fuel had its third technical meeting at the installations of IChPW in Zabrze, Poland, the days 12thand 13thSeptember, 2018. It has been one year since the project began and the Consortium had many interesting discussions.
On Wednesday 12th, presentations of each work package took place explaining the work done and highlighting the work to do in the next months to organize it within the Consortium. Also, some partners had technical groups of discussion.
On Thursday 13th, the first meeting of the Steering Committee was held. Lastly, an interesting visit of two sites of the Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal (IChPW) was given to the attendants.

The first visit was paid to IChPW’s laboratories and bench scale research installations. Here partners were presented with apparatuses and procedures utilized by IChPW. On the list of most interesting, novel and unique apparatuses utilized by IChPW, for certain are the apparatus for pressurized TG analysis coupled with MS, 2D-GC coupled with MS and FTIR as well as lab-bench for complete analysis of mercury.
On top of the analyses conducted by IChPW under accreditation, HtF partners were also presented with assessments based on IChPW’s design and procedures.
After the laboratory visit had been finished, HtF partners were presented with the infrastructure of IChPW’s Clean Coal Technologies Centre (CCTW).
CCTW is unique in the scale of Europe. The research centre, which is located on 2ha of area, is equipped with a range of laboratories and installations dedicated to performing researches on thermal processing of coal, biomass and alternative fuels as well as to power generation at minimum CO2emission. The technical-technological infrastructure of CCTW enables comprehensive studying and run of processes in various scales – from basic laboratory scale research, through bench scale studies up to pilot scale processes performance. Main weight of the visit has been put to the installations used by IChPW within the HtF project i.e.: the installations for gasification of solid fuels in a pressurized CFB reactor in both bench and PDU scales as well as the infrastructure of the laboratory for preparation and compaction of solid fuels.

You can also take a virtual tour around the Clean Coal Technology Centre of IChPW here.